Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ten on Tuesday.... maybe

This is my first 10 on Tuesday. The way I understand it, is it's purpose is to be .... whatever I want. Random or connected thoughts about life, daily or generally, that I feel worthy enough to be noted on this particular day. Here goes ....... we'll see if I can make it to ten!

1) We've had a ton a snow and still had school. I'm done. I have no use for snow that has no perks for me.

2) I think I may have strep throat for the THIRD time since early January. I will wait until tomorrow and see how I feel, before venturing for the wonderful throat culture. (I swear I finished my antibiotic this time!)

3) I'm really tired of defending my profession! I'm tired of reading negative letters to the editor about teachers. I'm tired of working as hard as I do, and being accused of making too much money, getting too many "perks", and getting the message that anyone could do what I do. (Do you know that there are people in the world (in my close world) that don't even know that teachers are required to get a college education, let alone a master's degree?) I'm tired of being an easy target, because the public thinks they know what I do every day. I'm tired of never being finished and having hours of work to do every night. I'm tired of being frustrated because what I do never seems to be enough. I'M TIRED!

4) Better look for my smile again!

5) I love my new computer, but I wish I had more time to play with my pictures. Does anyone know how to use masks for PSE?

6) I'm looking forward to a big family road trip this summer, and I need to start planning. I have to decide what sights an 9 year old, a 6 year old and a 3 year old will be impressed with (besides the two families we're planning to visit. I know they will be excited about that).
{E -- if you read this check your FB messages.}

7) It's funny that the hundredth day of school has become a celebration. Mason took in 100 toothpicks which he put in groups of 10 and then skip counted. (I was impressed.) Molly made arrays of stickers that equal 100. (They are working on factors.) My students are.... doing nothing to celebrate the 100th day. There is no fun in fourth grade.... or so I'm told.

8) I'm excited to start reading Charlotte's Web with my class. Some have read it already, but many have not. Some said, "I've seen the movie!" (I think there should be a law... no seeing the movie unless you've read the book.) It has a lot of figurative language in it which I love, and they have to be able to identify simile and metaphor on the "big test", so I think I can give those who have read it previously a new appreciation. Cross your fingers!

9) Wow this post is really job focused today. Boring! (Throat is still really hurting, do you think it really could be?)

10) I took Molly to see Percy Jackson yesterday. I'm not sure I recommend it for the under 9 set. It was pretty scary for those of us who prefer to brush our teeth rather than stay in the room during suspenseful parts of movies. However, we went because Molly read the book. She wasn't any better than I was at watching the "scary" parts, but it was funny that she knew exactly when to cover eyes. I kept asking, "What's going to happen?", and she would tell me. Unfortunately, she also learned the lesson, that the movie is never quite like the book. I hope that she will always be encouraged to read the book first. Again, I'm not necessarily recommending the book or the movie for third graders (content is a little iffy, but great for older kids). Although if you ask her she will tell you, "The movie was so awesome!" (at least the parts that she saw.) Live and learn!


  1. 1. Even Ben was surprised....we got about 5 inches last night..
    2. NOOOOOOO! It has to be stressed induced.
    5. I know I used an easy tutorial for that somewhere...I'll look for it.
    6. You said a nine year old...gulp. I can't believe she will be 9.
    7. Maya brought in 100 punched butterflies.
    8. My 4th grade teacher read us Tales of a 4th grade Nothing...Still remember sitting on the floor listening...

  2. PS- i love the title next to your picture!

  3. hmph. Maddie's grouchy teacher didn't even acknowledge it was the 100th day of school. And maybe 4th grade is all work (though you're fun!) but second grade should have some 100th day celebrations.

    I checked my messages! Did you read yours? : )

    You'll be thrilled to know that Maddie just finished Harry Potter #7 this week. She was a girl on a mission! She is going to read the Penderwicks next. Have you read it? I plan to after she's done (should be the other way around, but...)

    I love that you are blogging : )

  4. I was just thinking about how tired I am of hearing that "monkeys" could do my job...they wouldn't say that if they spent a day, or even half a day, in our shoes..."those who can't, teach." OK...then who taught you how to do YOUR job? The frustrations of being a teacher! :)
