Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ten on...umm... Wednesday: Lent addition

So Lent..... I have in the past on more than one occasion given something up for Lent. Last year it was soda. Those who know me, know that was quite an accomplishment. Forty days with no Diet Dr. Pepper. I did it, though. I think I was hoping it would help me cut down.... it didn't.

Anyway...... so my ten. I thought this year I would try something different. I want to try to "do" things instead of give things up. Some of these things aren't easy for me, but they are things I feel need work. And yes, I do know I am a week late.

1. Smile more.
2. Have a positive attitude when I go into work, and focus on the good things about the day.
3. Play more games with my kids. (This one isn't hard, finding time is.)
4. Tell my husband how much I love and appreciate him (instead of just thinking it).
5. Move everyday at least a little bit (and be satisfied with a little bit, because it is better than nothing). --However, if you look at the previous post it really needs to be more than a little bit.
6. Post something two or three times a week.
7. Create something-- anything (big, small, for school, for home, or for me) every week.
8. Pretend to be a morning person (for awhile anyway).
9. Practice patience and restraint.
10. Live in the moment, and to borrow from my sister-in-law - enjoy the simple things.

Kind of a tall order, but I'm going to try.


  1. I read a book called 52 Projects this year (super quick read, you could get through it in a few hours, or just look at it once in a while) that inspired me to start working on projects until I hit 52 of them (each completed). I'm going to make an album to start posting them on my blog when I hit 10 (I'm at 8). I don't think I'm going to get them all done in a calendar year, but I like having external motivation...
